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Child Safety Policy


Your conduct as a Member/Official/Administrator/Coach/Parent of the club is to be exemplary and in a responsible manner at all times.  You are asked to: – display exemplary appropriate behaviour and communication when dealing with children at all times.


All Hockey Burleigh Coaches and Managers charge of junior teams are required to hold a current Blue Card.

To obtain a blue card please click here and complete the application.


This is an extract from the HA Code of Conduct and provides specific expectations of any adult in hockey who is in contact with a child or young person. For further information on how each of the eight statements apply go to the Safe Behaviours Policy & Procedure.pdf and the HA Coaches and Managers Safe Behaviours .pdf

I will do what I can to provide a safe, fun and welcoming environment for all children and young people in hockey, free from physical, sexual and emotional abuse or neglect. I will do this by:

  1. Listening and responding to children and young people, and take what they say seriously

  2. Communicating safely and effectively with children and young people, in person and online

  3. Having firm boundaries when interacting with children and young people

  4. Only engaging in safe and appropriate physical contact with children and young people, putting their safety and wellbeing first

  5. Never engaging in any behaviour of a sexual nature, physically, verbally non-verbally, or through online communication

  6. Role modelling positive behaviours that prioritise the health and safety of a child or young person in hockey

  7. Contributing to a safe and inclusive environment for children and young people from ALL backgrounds and treating everyone fairly

  8. Taking any concerns about the safety of a child or young person seriously, and responding in line with policies, procedures, guidelines and the law.

Appropriate Communication includes: 

  • Using language that is: - patient and calm - empowering and encouraging - simple and clear - highlights strengths. 

  • Limiting communication to hockey activities such as sharing information relating to events 

  • Always include at least one other adult in group communication 

  • Communicate directly with the parent or guardian or include a parent or guardian when communicating with an individual child or young person


Inappropriate Communication includes: 

  • Derogatory language, including in reference to body image 

  • Discriminatory, racist or sexist comments 

  • Language that is belittling, negative, threatening or intimidating 

  • Any language or comment that is sexual in nature. 

  • Requesting to meet in person for reasons not related to hockey 

  • Asking the child or young person to keep secrets including in relation to communication 

  • Communication take place outside of the hours reasonable to the program, service, activity or event

Appropriate Physical Contact includes contact that is: 

  • related to injury prevention 

  • to demonstrate an action or movement 

  • in full view of others including other adults 

  • understood by the child or young person 


Inappropriate Physical Contact includes contact that is: 

  • intended to cause harm (such as physical punishment) 

  • overly physical (tickling, sparring or wrestling) 

  • outside of the confines of the role 

  • an inappropriate use of force for circumstances 

  • conducted in a private or hidden space

I also agree to the Gold Coast Hockey Player/ Athlete Code of Behaviour.

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‘The Queensland Government provided $2000 to Hockey Burleigh to help facilitate our juniors program and enable Queenslanders to participate in sport and recreation activities.’

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