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Player Safety Equipment Policy


This policy is designed to advise players and parents of their responsibilities regarding safety equipment.


Hockey Burleigh highly recommend minimum safety equipment of mouthguard and shin pads be worn whilst both playing and training.

Whilst all care will be taken by coaches, managers and officials to ensure the safety of players, the onus rests solely upon players and their parents/guardians (where the player is a minor) to avail themselves of any safety equipment they require and wear it where and when they see fit. It is not the responsibility of Hockey Burleigh Coaches, Managers or Officials to insist players wear adequate safety equipment whilst undertaking their chosen sport.


The supply and use of additional safety equipment such as facemasks, genital protectors, knee protectors, gloves etc. which my be used during penalty corner defense is at the discretion of the players and their parents/guardians (where the player is a minor).


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