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Happy 2018 Hockey Burleigh members and families,

Hopefully you've all been enjoying this wonderful run of summer weather we've been having and have had an enjoyable Xmas break.

If you were dreaming of taking off to an idyllic beach location, white sand, clear water but haven't got around to it yet, we've got you sorted. Rated the 5th best beach in Australia out of 11,761 beaches was our beach, Burleigh Heads. You don't have to leave the town you play hockey for to experience a bit of paradise over this Australia Day weekend.

Obviously after a morning on the beach, one gets both hungry and thirsty. Again we've got you sorted, Hockey Burleigh now has a clubhouse at Club Burleigh, click on the link and have a look around or better still over this up coming Australia Day weekend, drop in and pick up your membership card. For juniors, your parents will need to be the holder of this for you. You'll get food and beverage at discounted prices and help Hockey Burleigh raise funds at the same time, good or good. Just tell them you're a Hockey Burleigh member and away you go.

Enjoy Australia Day, turf training/practice/games starts next week, until then, enjoy.

Hockey Burleigh Management.

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‘The Queensland Government provided $2000 to Hockey Burleigh to help facilitate our juniors program and enable Queenslanders to participate in sport and recreation activities.’

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